Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Radio interview available

If you're curious about internet radio programs, and have a few minutes, check out my recent appearance on Mountain Mama Radio here.

Scroll to the right and choose Program #2 and then continue to the second segment if you wish.

Hosted by the very lively Miki Davis, this show is heard Monday's at 10 p.m. Central time. Hope you enjoy it!
(Note:) there is a 5 minute commercial break mid-way through the interview. While listening to that, clean out your email...



virtual nexus said...

Intruiging blogs!
Just to jump back to your earlier post,
I've been picking up information on Kindle in passing - one pa complained that it wont take pdf files, and therefore isn't a useable alternative to a laptop when reading on a train to work - ? an oversight I presume they'll rectify. Someone also mentioned that there is a lightweight laptop out there which is already set to outclass Kindle, probably for the same reason, but didn't pick up the details.

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